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Agreement For Sale Deed Of Apartment By Owner


Property Transaction Terms

Owner’s Responsibilities

Buyer’s Obligations

Conditions for Sale

Ensure a transparent property transaction with our Agreement For Sale Deed Of Apartment By Owner. This agreement ensures clarity in property transaction terms, owner’s responsibilities, buyer’s obligations, and conditions for sale, fostering a cooperative and legally sound agreement.cdc

Purchase and Sales Contract Agreement Template

Record the selling and buying process of any item with the Purchase and Sales Agreement Template. LegalJini offers comprehensive and expertly crafted sales contract templates for protecting both buyer and seller.


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Everything on Sales Contract Template

What Is A Sales Agreement?

A sales agreement, or a goods contract or purchase agreement, is a legally binding document outlining the terms and conditions of a sale between a buyer and a seller. It details the description of the goods or services, payment terms, delivery conditions, and warranties. This agreement ensures both parties are clear on their obligations, preventing misunderstandings and disputes. The Sales agreement is used to establish a continuing selling and buying relationship between parties or might be used to restrict one-time transactions for certain commodities.

Without the sales agreement, no deciding deals on whether to enforce a contract against an individual or company, courts favor written agreements can be performed.

With its vast effectiveness and comprehensive approach towards clarity, a sales agreement is also termed a sales contract or agreement to sell.

What Goods Can Be Added In Contract Of Sale?

Specific Goods: These are particular items identified and agreed upon at the time of sale by both parties.

Unascertained Goods: These lack clear differentiation and are not specifically identified at the time of contract.

Future Goods: These are items that do not exist when the contract is signed. They must be produced or grown before being delivered to the buyer.

The Rights of Buyer & Seller in Sales Contract

Buyer Obligations and Rights

Among the buyer’s obligations and privileges are the following:

  • Obligation to pay for goods after the supplier has duly offered them
  • Obligation to abide by the terms of the agreement
  • Right to prompt delivery of the products
  • Right to the items specified in the sales agreement
  • Right to any relevant warranties that weren’t disclaimed

Seller Obligations and Rights

Among the seller’s obligations and rights are:

  • Responsibility to submit the correct items as specified in the contract
  • Obligation to present goods in a suitable condition
  • Right to timely payment for goods tendered to buyer
  • Right to payment in the appropriate amount

Why Choose Sales Agreement Template?

A sales agreement is a critical document that serves multiple purposes beyond merely registering the transfer of ownership. Here’s a detailed look at its importance:


Record of Transaction Price and Payment Details

A sales agreement meticulously records the transaction price and all payment details.

This includes:

  • Payment Schedule: Clearly outlines when and how payments should be made.
  • Down Payment: Specifies the initial amount to be paid upfront.
  • Closing Charges: Details any additional costs associated with finalizing the sale.
  • Late Penalties: Defines penalties for late payments, ensuring both parties are aware of the financial implications of delays.


Accountability for Both Parties

Even if the sale isn’t immediate, a sales agreement holds both parties accountable to complete the transaction at a later date. It sets clear expectations and responsibilities, ensuring that:

  • The seller is obligated to transfer the ownership as per the agreement.
  • The buyer must fulfill payment obligations and other conditions outlined.


Contingency Plans

The sales agreement also specifies what must occur if the agreement collapses. This might include:

  • Penalties for Breach: Financial or legal penalties for not adhering to the terms.
  • Return of Deposits: Conditions under which deposits should be returned or retained.
  • Resolution Processes: Steps to resolve disputes or enforce the agreement.


Legal Protection

A legally enforceable sales agreement includes clauses that prevent misunderstandings and provide a clear framework for resolving conflicts. This legal protection is crucial because:

  • Seller Protection: Ensures the seller receives payment and retains legal recourse if the buyer defaults.
  • Buyer Protection: Guarantees the buyer receives the product or service as agreed, with legal backing to enforce the terms if necessary.


Comprehensive Documentation

By including all necessary details and terms, a sales agreement ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding:

  • Quality and Condition: Specifies the condition and quality of goods or services.
  • Delivery Terms: Outlines how and when the goods or services will be delivered.
  • Warranties and Guarantees: Details of any warranties or guarantees provided by the seller.


A well-drafted sales agreement template from LegalJini ensures that every aspect of the sale is covered, providing a clear, legally binding document that protects both parties and facilitates smooth transactions.

When Do We Need A Sales Agreement In India?

A sales agreement is essential in various scenarios to ensure clarity and legal protection:

  • Business Transactions: For the sale of goods, services, or assets.
  • Property Sales: When buying or selling real estate.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: To outline terms in business mergers.
  • Equipment Leases: For leasing machinery or equipment.
  • Franchise Agreements: To define terms between franchisors and franchisees.


You require a sales agreement if your company sells products or services to other businesses. To assist guarantee that all parties are aware of the conditions of the transaction, a professional sales agreement outlines them. These are a few instances of possible buyers and sellers who could require this agreement.



Party supplies shop


office supplies shop

Automobile dealership



Expert event coordinator

Specialty clock collector

startup business

car-rental firm

coordinator of weddings


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What Essentials Of Contract Of Sale We Include In The Contract?

The essentials of a contract of sale included in our template cover:

  • Parties Involved: Identified buyer and seller.
  • Description of Goods: Detailed information on the goods or services.
  • Price and Payment Terms: Specifics on payment schedules, amounts, and methods.
  • Delivery Conditions: Terms regarding the delivery of goods.
  • Warranties and Guarantees: Any warranties provided by the seller.
  • Risk of Loss: Specifies who bears the risk of loss at various stages.
  • Dispute Resolution: Methods for resolving any disputes that arise.

What Is the Risk Of Loss In a Sales Agreement?

Risk of loss refers to the responsibility for any damage or loss of goods during the transaction process. The seller will have to send the customer another shipment of products if there is a risk of loss. If the items are damaged before delivery, they may also reimburse the customer for their losses. Even if the products are damaged during shipping, the customer will still be responsible for the cost if they assume the risk of loss.

There are four risk-of-loss provisions under Article 2 of the UCC that you should be aware of:

  • The parties’ agreement conditions will govern the risk of loss.
  • A party bears the risk of loss in the event of a breach or misconduct.
  • The risk of loss will only pass to the buyer when the seller fulfills its delivery responsibilities if the seller must carry the items to the buyer by a common carrier (a vehicle such as a truck, ship, airplane, etc.). This word is known as “free-on-board” (FOB). FOB shipments may be classified into two categories: FOB destination contracts and FOB shipping contracts.

— Once the seller deposits the goods with the common carrier, the buyer assumes the risk of loss. This is known as a FOB shipping arrangement.

— Under a FOB destination contract, the buyer bears the risk of loss only once the items are delivered to the buyer’s location.

  • In cases when the seller is a merchant, the customer bears the risk of loss only once the products are delivered to them. The vendor is still in danger of losing money even if the customer never receives the items.

Warranties In Sales Agreements

Warranties in sales agreements guarantee certain conditions for the goods sold. They can be:

  • Express Warranties: Clearly stated guarantees about the goods.
  • Implied Warranties: Unstated but legally binding assurances.

How To Write A Sales Agreement?

Steps To Follow While Creating Sales Contract Template

Identify the Parties Involved

  • Clearly state the full names and addresses of the buyer and the seller. This establishes who is entering into the agreement and holds them accountable.

Describe the Goods or Services

  • Provide a detailed description of the goods or services being sold. This should include quantities, specifications, quality, and any other relevant details to avoid misunderstandings.

Set Payment Terms

  • Outline the payment schedule, including the total price, due dates, installments, and accepted payment methods. Specify any down payments, closing charges, and late penalties.

Specify Delivery Conditions

  • Detail how and when the goods or services will be delivered. Include the location, delivery method, and any conditions related to the transfer of ownership.

Include Warranties and Guarantees

  • Clearly state any warranties or guarantees provided by the seller. This can include express warranties (specific promises about the goods) and implied warranties (unspoken, legally binding assurances).

Define Risk of Loss

  • Specify who bears the risk of loss or damage to the goods at various stages of the transaction. This clarifies responsibility and can prevent disputes if something goes wrong.

Outline Contingency Plans

  • Include clauses that specify what must occur if the agreement falls through. This might involve penalties for breach, return of deposits, and steps for resolving disputes.

Establish Dispute Resolution Methods

  • Detail the procedures for resolving any disputes that may arise from the agreement. This can include mediation, arbitration, or legal action.

Set Termination Conditions

  • Define the conditions under which the agreement can be terminated by either party. Include the notice period required and any penalties for early termination.

Ensure Legal Compliance

  • Make sure the agreement complies with all relevant laws and regulations. Consider seeking legal advice to ensure all bases are covered and the document is enforceable.

Include Signatures and Dates

  • Both parties should sign and date the agreement to make it legally binding. This shows that both parties have read, understood, and agreed to the terms.


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Get Started With LegalJini!

LegalJini provides expertly crafted sales contract templates tailored to meet specific needs, ensuring legal protection and clarity in every transaction. Our expert-curated sales agreement templates help to maintain the asset purchase and sell relation. Get our sales agreement sample now and use it to save time and money on legal expenses.


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Typically, a buyer and a seller are involved in a sales contract.

Yes, a sales agreement is a legally binding contract.

Notarization is not always required but can provide an additional layer of legal validation.

To clearly outline the terms and conditions of a sale, protecting both parties.

Termination clauses in the agreement will specify conditions and processes for termination.

A sales agreement outlines the terms before the sale, while a bill of sale is proof of the completed transaction.

A purchase agreement is a type of sales contract specifically focused on the terms of purchasing goods or services.
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