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POSH Compliance & Consultancy Services

A Step-by-Step Guide for Organizations to Become POSH Compliant

Very few organizations in India are even aware that they need to be POSH compliant. Start-ups and small businesses tend to believe that POSH compliance is for large corporations and global multinational companies.

The POSH Act stipulates that organizations with more than 10 employees need to be POSH compliant. Whether the organization has full-time or part-time employees, interns, volunteers, or third-party contractors, if the number of employees exceeds 10, the company needs to be POSH compliant.

It is a mistake to think that sexual harassment takes place only in large organizations. Incidents of sexual harassment arise from smaller companies as well and can be a death blow to them if not addressed in time.

Owners of small companies and start-ups should consult with leading POSH Compliance & Consultancy Services to draw up POSH policies that can protect female employees from sexual harassment. In this blog, we will guide you through a step-by-step process that will make your organization POSH-compliant.

3 Simple Steps to Become a POSH-compliant Company

As an employer, it is your responsibility to take the initiative to become POSH compliant. Here are the steps you need to take:

Step 1: Draft A POSH Policy

The first crucial step is to draft a POSH policy. To draft an impactful POSH policy for your organization, turn to a POSH consultancy service like ours. We can help you create a zero-tolerance policy that stipulates the roles, responsibilities, and rights of every employee as well as the employer.

While drafting a policy keep in mind the following points:

  • The POSH policy has to be drafted and given to every employee so it needs to be written in simple terms that are understandable to everyone.
  • The policy should clearly state what is considered appropriate behavior in the workplace and what is not.
  • It should define sexual harassment and the responsibility of all employees to report such behavior.
  • There should be a clear roadmap for the complaint process as well as the penalties for sexual harassment.

Employers should take steps to ensure that the POSH policy is distributed to everybody and is kept in an accessible place at the workplace.

Step 2: Create an Internal Complaints Committee

An Internal Complaint Committee needs to be set up by the employers. The ICC should be staffed according to the following rules:

  • There should be a presiding officer who can be a senior female employee
  • Two employees who are known to support the cause of women should be appointed. They are called internal members.
  • An external member should be chosen who has worked with an NGO or been on any committee that supports the cause of women. Such a person should not be known to the other members of the committee and should be an independent member.

The role of the ICC is to handle the POSH complaints and complete the investigation in a time-bound manner.

The ICC should also file the annual POSH report to the authorities to ensure that compliance is met.

Step 3: Spread the Word About the POSH Policy

As an employer, you will have to spread awareness about POSH in the workplace. One of the ways you can do that is through the placement of posters about POSH in prominent places. You can also arrange for awareness sessions to train your employees and make them cognizant of the POSH Act.

Taking the help of the best POSH Compliance services can help you create a safe environment at work for women employees. POSH compliance services play an important role in creating a positive work environment and ensuring that there is a groundwork for women’s safety.

Is There A Penalty for Not Complying With The POSH Act?

Employers failing to comply with the POSH Act can result in penalties. An employer can be fined Rs. 50,000 or the company’s registration can be revoked. Business licenses can also be terminated for failure to comply with the POSH Act. So get in touch with a POSH compliance & consultancy service and implement this Act for your organization today.

Wrapping Up

The POSH Act is an important aspect of providing a safe workplace for women and ensuring that they are protected in the workplace.

The POSH Act, which was enacted in 2013, helps to ensure that women have a positive and safe place to work and earn their livelihood.

On that note, LegalJini’s POSH compliance & consultancy services can help you draft a POSH Policy that works for your organization.

Get the insights and the necessary expertise only from us!

Reach out today for a consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Whom does the POSH Act cover?

The POSH Act covers all female employees in an organization no matter their employment status. So whether they are interns or volunteers they are covered under this Act. The Act even goes so far as to cover female clients who may be visiting the office. The Act was designed to help female employees feel safe and heard in the workplace.

  1. What are the benefits of implementing POSH?

Implementing POSH helps women in the workplace to feel confident and positive about their safety. Consequently, they can express themselves freely and work in an environment where there is better morale.

  1. What are some of the best practices for POSH?

Employers can conduct regular awareness programs and training sessions for employees to get familiar with the POSH policy. This will help employees be aware of this protective measure.

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